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lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015

Memory food

 This is a memory food, you can play with everybody !

Should and Shouldn't

Read the list of weight loss tips and make prayers should or shouldn't as explaining in the article.

1. Eat low-fat AND low-calorie foods. Many "diet" foods are low in fat but high in calories.
2. Limit your "liquid calories." Sodas and sugary drinks have a lot of calories and don't fill you up because they are liquid.
3. Cook! When you cook you see what the food contains and you can limit fat.
4. Eat at least five servings of fruits or vegetables a day.
5. Have fruit for dessert instead of a fatty dessert.
6. Don't "diet." A "diet" is a temporary change. To stay healthy you need to make a permanent change in the way you eat.
7. Exercise three or four times per week for 30-60 minutes. Exercise is the most important part of a healthy life style. Walking is simple and it's great exercise. It's a good idea to consult your doctor before beginning a new exercise routine.
8. If you don't have much time for exercise, use the stairs at work instead of the elevator.

eat low-fat foods
eat high-fat foods
1. drink liquid calories
2.  cook
3.  eat fruits and vegetables
4.  have chocolate for dessert
5.  exercise


The breakfast in menu of restaurant

Body parts

now we see body parts